Liebster Blog Award

By Sidesmilestyle @SideSmileStyle
This week both A Daily Dose of Lou and Big City Farm Girl awarded me with the Liebster Blog Award! Talk about being flattered : ) I highly recommend you check out both of these stylish girls blogs! Now to pass on the torch, here are the rules for the award:
-Link back to the person who gave you the award-Put the award on your post-Choose 5 blogs with under 200 followers to receive the award-Let them know you awarded them

1. Reading Amanda of It's An Easy Life, awkward and awesome thursday has become a weekly ritual!
2. Stop by Oh So Cynthia for the latest in Dallas news, trends, events, and gossip.
3. I am absolute in love with the preppy style of A FANCY DAY.
4. Love this Chicago transplant and hair accessory designers blog The Jem Boutique.
5. I can always count on Life is Reed-iculous for great style inspiration.xo SideSmile,Ashley