Liebster Blog Award

By Selane @SummerEllenLane

I started this blog about a year and a half ago - and at that time I had one follower because I posted once every few months about literary classics. Oh, how times have changed! The amazing and talented Victoria from Confessions of a Twenty Something Fiction Writer was kind enough to nominate me for the Liebster Blog Award. Victoria is, like me, working on her debut novel - I'm excited to read it when it's released!
In keeping with these fabulous blogger award rules, here are my five nominations for the Liebster Blog Award.
A Midsummer Night's Read
Hosted by four lovely bloggers, Jessica Lee, Jordan Chance, Shauna, and Cheryl, this blog features YA book reviews, author interviews and more! Their blog has a beautiful, whimsical design and I love reading their reviews on the YA books I adore.
Hosting book reviews and giveaways, Bookhi also takes part in the well-known blog meme In My Mailbox, which is ultimately hosted by The Story Siren. I love the quote at the top of the Bookhi blog: "A room without books is like a body without a soul."
Fantasy Cookie
You can't possibly resist a blog with such an adorable name! Fantasy Cookie specializes in reviewing fantasy and science fiction. If you've written a book like this, it's a great place to ask for a review.
One blog that I honestly love is Inkytopia. The whole layout of the blog is colorful and vibrant, and the reviews are centered on YA fiction that I enjoy reading. The host is also an aspiring writer!
Literature Monsters
Literature Monsters is one of the first blogs I started following way back when I began this blog. Like, a month ago. But joking aside, I really love this site - especially their giveaways! Somebody just won a signed copy of Forever! It is hosted by three best friends who love to blog about everything book-related.
Remember, if you were nominated, try to keep the award nominations going by nominating five of your own favorite blogs that have under 200 followers and including a link back to the blog that nominated you. Have a wonderful day!