Liebster Award No.2

By Jadecharlotte @jadeodonnell_

Hi there Pixies! First off I want to say a huge Thank you to my lovely friend Naomi who has nominated me for my second Liebster Award and if you haven't checked out her blog yet then hop to it because it's just amazing! For those of you who are thinking "What the heck is a Liebster Award?" It's an award that was set up for bloggers who have 200 or less followers and the idea is for us all to interact and just get to know each other. Ok, all clear? Then onto the questions:
 1. Liquid or gel eyeliner?
I'm gonna have to say liquid, simply because I haven't got round to trying gel eyeliner yet. Although I'm very far from good at it.
 2. Dresses or playsuits?
 It really depends on my mood and in some cases the weather. I like dresses as they're very cool and dainty but I'd never say no to a cute playsuit either.
 3. Uggs or converse?
Converse all the way, they are just so easy to slip on and hey presto, you're all ready to go. And they can go with almost anything.
 4. Favourite perfume?
At the moment it's CK One In To You (Her).
 5. Your no.1 go to everyday beauty product?
Mascara. I can't live without it, I feel naked if I don't have it on.
 6. Brushes or no brushes?
Brushes as I hate getting my hands covered in make-up. My favorite brushes have to be the ones from Real Techniques. Hands down.
7. Bottled fake tan or in store Spray tan?
Bottled, but I'd love to try a spray tan sometime.
8. If you could have any other hair color other than your current one, what would it be?
Ooh, I'd love to have 'Mermaid' color hair, all pastels and pale pinks.
9. Lip gloss or Lipstick?
Lipstick as it isn't as sticky.
10. Summer or winter?
Summer. I used to love Winter but then I got fed up of being cold 24/7.
11. Favourite blog post to read? (e.g haul, review etc) I'm not fussy, I just love to read but I do have a soft spot for Hauls.
 I nominate:
1. Jennifer |What Jennifer Did Next
2. Sophie | Darling Sophie
3. Vicki | Victoria Jane
4. Chloe | Everyone's Perfect
5. Shannon | Shannon Darko
6. Lola | Haus Of Lola
7. Elle | Elle Louisee
8. Laura | Pale Girl Reviews
9. Ash | Rambles Of A Beauty Addict
10. Elsie | ED
11. Rosie | Rosie Alexandraa
My questions for you are:
1. How old we're you when you first experimented with Make-Up?
2. If you lost all your make up and could only afford to repurchase three beauty items, what would they be?
3. Who is your Style Icon?
4. Flats or Heels?
5. Favourite Skincare item?
6. Fake or Natural nails?
7. If you had a unlimited amount of money what would you buy?
8. Topshop or River Island?
9. Who is your favorite designer?
10. If you could have anyone's wardrobe, who would you choose?
11. Where do you shop the most?