Liebster Award

By Erraticglamour @erraticglamourx
i was nominated for the liebster award by the adventures of the savage dreamer & Cosasbella so thanks to her for the nomination!I'm going to do a bit of a medley of both!
The Rules 1. State 11 random facts about yourself.2. Answer 11 questions (made by the person that nominated you).
3. Nominate 11 new blogs (with under 200 followers) and ask them 11 questions.
My experience with blogging so far
I have had a few blogs through the years and have had a pretty continually positive experience. I love reading & writing blogs - I'm not particularly arty but I feel this is a way for me to be creative to an extend. I have trying to work on my image quality & how often I post but sometimes life gets in the way as all bloggers will understand.My Facts 1. I will most likely never grow my hair long again. Short for the win! 2. I love mayonnaise especially with chips.3. I truly believe growing up is a state of mind. If you think young, you will feel young.4. I don't like chocolate.5. Orange is my favorite color.6. I believe people are destined to be meet.7. Hugh Jackman is my love!8. I've gone from hating my university to course to enjoying it more than I thought I would. 9. Moving city was one of the best choices I've ever made. 10. I'm shy at first then once I'm comfortable with you, you will probably think I'm weird...11. I love cooking. My Answers1. greatest hobbies/passions?Probably has to be reading or fashion. I like running but I don't do that enough to make it a hobby really.

2. dream job?

 I'd love to be a journalist but my degree has absolutely nothing to do with that so probably something to do with social media marketing!

3. where would you live if you could live anywhere in the world?

Paris. I have this perfect Parisian life in my head... *sigh*

4. most coveted fashion item?

 A Chanel handbag or some Prada heels.

5. three holy grail beauty items?

Bourjous Healthy Mix Serum Foundation, YSL Faux cils mascara & Carmex - the glamour!

6. favorite scents for day and night?

John Paul Gaultier Classique for night & Chloe for during the day.

7. favorite candy/junk food?

Haribo Tangfastics!!

8. favorite and least favorite fashion trends?

Least favorite has to be creepers. I hate hate hate the way they look.
Favourite is printed trousers - love a pair of trousers, I do. 

9. book/movie/tv show you've read/watched over and over?

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Sex & the City - The TV series, not the movies. They are bad!

10. people that inspire you?

Em... my mum, my friends & in terms of fashion ... bloggers.

11. greatest experience of your life?

I've had so many good experiences, to date it is probably something I have achieved at university.
Blog Nominations1. All that Glitt3rs 2. Not your average3. Bemuze4. Sophs Style 5. And Katie6. Tarte aux fraises7. S K W Style8. Trust in Vogue9. The side ways eight10. The Little big obsession11. The persephone complexMy Questions
Tell me about Your experience if blogging
1. Why do you blog?2. If you could have anyone wardrobe, who would it be? 3. Favourite book? 4. Favourite blogger?5. Favourite High Street store?6. Favourite designer? 7. Favourite nail polish colour?8. Who is your Fashion icon?9. Favourite thing you've bought? 10. Worst fashion/beauty trend you've followed?11. Favourite beauty product?