Liberty Ship - Demo

Posted on the 04 May 2016 by Ripplemusic

Look here waveriders.I know demo recordings when I hear them and this?This is no demo recording.When you see the word demo attached to a piece of music that typically means the listener might be in for a bit of a rough ride.Maybe the recording equipment used was sub-par?Perhaps the song structures aren't all there?The point is that this music is not likely in what can be referred to as a "sellable state".Apparently Liberty Ship either didn't get that memo or doesn't believe in standard definitions of words.
Demo?Oh please.What we have here is an exquisite six song collection that screams quality.Every musical element comes through crystal clear in the mix and there is never a wasted moment in any of the songs.Of course none of that is important if the music isn't any good, so it is with great joy that I now report how much I enjoy these songs!
Liberty Ship effortlessly combines brit rock and indie rock to create an intoxicatingly gleeful sound that will turn a frown upside down on the face of the most curmudgeonly of music fans.The track "What Point" starts the proceedings off on the right foot with a recurring guitar line reminiscent of Vampire Weekend's "Holiday".I especially love the one-two punch of the lively "Without Her" coupled with the throwback, Beatles-esque vibe of "Neon Light".Not content with only up-tempo numbers "It's Alright" and "Fire Your Love" lower the tempos but keep the energy level constant.Also "It's Alright" has especially memorable vocal harmonies and "Fire..." has a lumbering backbeat that really gets the old noggin oscillating.All too quickly "For You" wistfully brings the demo to a satisfying conclusion.
Waveriders this is a fantastic de...nope, not going to do it.I'm calling it like it is.This is a fantastic EP!Take a listen, realize the high degree of excellence on offer, and rapidly arrive at the decision to add this release to your collections.Did I mention that the cost for this splendid music is 'Name Your Price' on bandcamp?That's right.You know what to do friends!