Liberal/Conservative Trends by State Over the Last 20 Years

Posted on the 29 June 2016 by Calvinthedog

Big G: If the demos keep pushing gun control the Republicans will win. The only republican to win any contested government seat anywhere was over the gun issue.

Another William Playfair Web: certainly does cut into support of battlegrounds like Iowa, Virginia, N.C.

In W.V. that and coal are we are reddening by the hour.

She will win Iowa, Virginia and North Carolina. All three of those states are trending quite a bit more liberal over 20 years.

However, West Virginia is trending dramatically more conservative over the past 20 years. There are not a lot of states trending more conservative, but that is one of them. Tennessee is another.

Red states trending more conservative are West Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Utah and Arizona. A few blue states are going a little more conservative, but they are still solid blue. I am thinking places like Massachusetts and Rhode Island are getting more conservative.