LG Electronics India Limited (LGEIL) announced its latest 4G LTE smartphone, LG X Screen in India. The smartphone will be exclusively available on Snapdeal from 20 th July 2016.
The X screen comes with Two Screens, a unique feature which is developed solely basis user convenience and experience. The Always-on Display allows users to check basic information such as time, date and notifications without having to wake up the phone.
Further more, the second screen keeps the recent used user applications for easy access along with facility to receive calls without interruptions on the main screen and so does music play with all controls on top screen, for extreme convenience to users. The X screen's look is complemented by the crystal-clear glass fiber material that covers the back. The curved edges on its sides create a simple yet elegant design.
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At launch event, we got the chance to spend some time with this device and what we liked about this device -- Light weight, this smartphone is light like a feather.
- Second Screen, the second screen notifications make this phone more advanced as compare to other available devices of same price range.
- LG X Screen also features a panic button in case of emergencies from security prospective.
LG X Screen will be available in India starting 20th July 2016, exclusively on Snapdeal for Rs.12990
X screen Key Specifications:
- Display: 4.93-inch + 1.76 inch HD In-cell Touch
- Chipset: Qualcomm Snapdragon
- Camera: Rear 13MP / Front 8MP
- Memory: 2GB RAM / 16GB ROM
- Battery: 2,300mAh
- Operating System: Android 6.0 Marshmallow
- Size: 142.6 x 71.8 x 7.1mm
- Network: 4G LTE
- Colors: Black / White