Dear Defne, you are five years two months old now. Last month was not so good as you came down with a cold that lasted for weeks.You had never been so ill before so it was sad to see you suffer.Although it had been mild recently,this week it is cold again. I can't wait for the balmy spring weather and spend much time outdoors with you.This month,we have started teaching you French leisurely and you just love it. This month,because we spend many hours at home,you did a lot crafting,painting and writing. You write very well and your reading is impressing.You lost a baby teeth this month.It was very wobbly and one morning we woke up and it wasn't there. Apparently, you swallowed it. Love,Mama
Dear Derin, you are two years and two months old now. You have been changing so much recently.It has been two months since you started nursery. You settled really well. There were still tears when I was leaving you until last week but last week, you turned the corner. When we arrived at the nursery as I was undoing the buckles of your buggy,you said "bye bye mummy" with a very calm voice.I will never forget that moment. From your face, I could see that you were calm and contented. You are only going for two days for three hours, yet it has already made such a difference in the way you play and interact. Your language is affected as well.I hear lots of English words.You also started enjoying drawing,painting and sticking.You adore your sister and love playing chase with her. We enjoy hearing your giggles and laughs. Love, Mama