Letter from Nepal: Brahminism in Nepal

Posted on the 31 July 2018 by Calvinthedog

Interesting comment from a Brahmin from Nepal:

– Owing to the good climate (weaker selection pressure), there are vast amounts of low IQ people present who were well adapted to their ways of life, but with globalization and a supremacy of Ice-People Culture, how would you even solve this problem ( given e.g. Greece is a problem state for EU)?

Thanks. I have no idea how to solve the problem of differential IQ’s among races and nations. Also Greeks do not have an IQ problem as compared to the rest of Europe.

– The least trustworthy people tend to be North Indians ( I’m excluding Nepali Brahmins from this group)- why is this?

I don’t know. I think there’s something wrong with them.  These groups were the original Aryan conquerors. They came in, conquered the natives, slaughtered them horrifically in doing so, and then imposed one of the worst forms of race-based enslavement and hierarchy the world has ever seen. All the while justifying it and cementing it in with religion. Historically speaking, North Indians have not been very nice people. In fact, their history is of being monsters. Now they’re not trustworthy probably because the lie, cheat, and steal. With a history like theirs, why should we expect less?

– Higher IQ people/ruling classes always exploit the natural resources as well as the local human resources- and the position of Brahmans is like that of South African whites post-apartheid. Clinging on to their power and privileges but constantly feeling threatened- this kind of insecure ruling group devolves into nasty survival tactics and turn their own country into shitholes. Over generations, this kind of thinking becomes endemic as the culture- and I agree Indian culture (and Nepal Brahman culture, different in some ways, you would lump under the same category).

This is one of the best statements summing up universal tendencies and how India got to be the way it is that I have seen. And you did it in one paragraph. Hat’s off.

– When you say Indians suck – which group do you mean?

I mean the culture as a whole. Indian culture is monstrous. It’s reactionary, backwards and so nasty, vicious and selfish that it almost borders on evil. You grow up in India, even if you are a good person, you get poisoned by the culture. My own Punjabi physician agreed with me on this. He said that if he would have stayed in India, he would have gotten culture-poisoned and he didn’t want that, so he came here.

Also in a sense it is not really their fault. Indians are victims of the culture imposed on them which they must accept with little choice. If you opt out or drop out or refuse to participate in this very nasty culture, you will be punished. I had a commenter who got a law degree, but law in India is so sleazy and corrupt that he had to leave his practice. The only way to make any money at all in India is by being a complete sleazeball. He decided to be a dropout and live like a hippie instead on a lot less money, but he’s quite happy and I guess he sleeps well at night too.

– Do you think these people are inherently fucked or salvageable (although with the level of human capital, total caste-mixing is not possible, and even if done would result in one population with low mean IQ)?

I do think Indians are salvageable of course. Some Second generation Indians in the US have lost all of their Indian culture or at least all of the awful parts of it. They behave exactly like I do. Indians are screwed by culture but not by biology. There’s nothing wrong with them biologically, and I can’t say that about all races. Indian culture is the problem and all cultures can be changed even if it takes a Cultural Revolution to do so.

Full comment is here:


I’m a Brahman from Nepal. My father’s side of the family used to be the local ruling family in their village/region. They tend to be more aggressive and used force a lot more often- one of my great uncles- who used to be the appointed ‘ruler’ of the region had six wives. My mother’s side used to be the ruling family in their (neighboring ) village- I’m sure their money didn’t come without violence/exploitation, but my grandfather and uncles are all very scholastic and have much more of a high IQ culture. There are other less well to do Brahmans in these villages. But also a significant number of lower caste people.

I grew up in the capital and other cities (dad worked for the government and got transferred every few years) and used to visit my ancestral villages every couple of years as a kid. After high school, I came to the US for college and have now finished my PhD.

What I have noticed about caste and race and different groups of people living together is:

– Your Latin america analogy is good- in terms of race mixing, status, and power-relations.

– Nepal tends to be a higher trust place than India (although not that high by global standards).

– Nepal Brahmans do tend to dominate civil service and universities.

– The least trustworthy people tend to be North Indians ( I’m excluding Nepali Brahmins from this group)- why is this?

– The average IQ of the lower castes does tend to be low – maybe this is through systematic breeding opportunity-drifts or got crystallized at some time in the past and remained that way.

– Higher IQ people/ruling classes always exploit the natural resources as well as the local human resources- and the position of Brahmans is like that of South African whites post-apartheid. Clinging on to their power and privileges but constantly feeling threatened- this kind of insecure ruling group devolves into nasty survival tactics and turn their own country into shitholes. Over generations, this kind of thinking becomes endemic as the culture- and I agree Indian culture (and Nepal Brahman culture, different in some ways, you would lump under the same category)

– When you say Indians suck – which group do you mean?

– Do you think these people are inherently fucked or salvageable (although with the level of human capital, total caste-mixing is not possible, and even if done would result in one population with low mean IQ)?

– Owing to the good climate (weaker selection pressure), there are vast amounts of low IQ people present who were well adapted to their ways of life, but with globalization and a supremacy of Ice-People Culture, how would you even solve this problem ( given e.g. Greece is a problem state for EU) ?