Letter from an Indian Woman

Posted on the 19 August 2018 by Calvinthedog

Just received a comment from an Indian woman on Magneto’s piece, Indian Men Are Hopeless Rapists. She’s right. I know I sound like a radical feminist when I say this, but everything she says below is true. All of it. I don’t know what to say except that it sure would be nice if Indian men would get it together on this issue. I would also like to shower Western feminists with eternal contempt for insisting that women here in the West have it exactly as bad as those women over in India. And yes, that is exactly what most of them say.

Honestly, I will not downplay this just because I am from India, this is the bitter truth about our society. Having spent 23 years if my life as a woman here, I can only say this country is no country for women or children.

It’s riddled with patriarchal mindset and male autonomy. Women have no rights, no power, and no say in any decisions. They have no freedom to express anything. They are raised to be subservient and married off. The whole mindset is nurtured by her own parents. There is constant fear here and women are seen as liabilities and sex objects, hence they are treated as inferiors at job, school, home, and society on general. It has cultural backing and so does the corrupt system perpetuating the abuse. High illiteracy rates, a poor standard of living, and no sex sensitization often triggers this abuse.

And it’s just not rapes, but molestation and dowry harassment are fairly common and normal. I won’t say that the West doesn’t face this issue, but at least the women are empowered to ask for justice and get fair compensation, and at least they aren’t shunned by the rightwing fucking cultural bandwagons. Women don’t have the stigma like the women here have.

I myself am highly educated thanks to my liberal parents who stayed most of their lives abroad. Yet staying in that country was nightmare; just stepping out on the street, you feared you might end up being raped. I could never do things alone.

I wonder why these men cannot just accept the problem and do something. I didn’t have any hope that anything would change in that shithole of a country. That’s why I left and I am happy I can be independent and not constantly worry about my security. Indian men are scum of the earth, sex-starved, rapist, ugly apes and uneducated horny perverts. We should just castrate them or go Hitler-style execution on them. How I hate those sickos for destroying the lives of countless helpless women.