Letter From a Little Girl

By Uglytruthis

Dear Mommy and Daddy,

Why do you not love me. You are so self consumed you don’t even see me. I am left lonely and empty. To fight against the big world all by myself.

No one taught me I was important. No one held me and told me it would be ok when I fell and scrapped my knee. No one kept me safe when the monsters hid under my bed…

No one showed me how to take care of myself. Neglect was my closest friend. I felt like I was always in the way. So I escaped inside my head where it was safe.

When you did speak to me it was to nag or yell at me for not doing the right things. I was always the one to blame for everything.

Well, guess what. Today is a new day. Today I am learning to treasure myself and not let your lies define me. Today I have a family that has taken me in. God is not ashamed of who I am.

I am worth the fight to heal the scars you left. As is every little girl or boy who reads this.

there is hope still

Stay strong