Lets Play, Lets Beat A Dead Horse Again.

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

OK, you may have heard that there might be a slight problem with President Obama’s Birth CERTIFICATE.  first off it’s BUSH’S fault, you right wing racists. secondly how many times does our HONORABLE president have to suffer this indignity? For the last time we will produce his BC right here on FOTM. 



—————————————– ~  Steve~ ———————————————

BOMBSHELL: Document Examiner Tied To Obama Defense Attorney Says Birth Certificate Is 100% Fraud

http://minutemennews.com           9 June 2013

Lets Play, Lets Beat A Dead Horse Again.

“Thought Bubble” Damn you George Bush!

Reed Hayes is a court qualified handwriting and document examiner whose business is located in Honolulu, Hawaii. He has nearly 40 years of handwriting related experience, and has worked as an international consultant and speaker. Never heard of him? Well, Hayes is the Certified Document Examiner (CDE) who produced the 40 page opinion referenced in the Mike Zullo affidavit that was submitted to the Alabama Supreme Court in the Obama eligibility case and his report concluded that the Obama birth certificate image, located at WhiteHouse.gov is a complete fabrication.

PPSimmons reports:

The rabid followers of the “O” (Obots) have rushed to denounce Reed Hayes as a “quack.” However, one might be surprised to learn that one of Hayes’ clients listed in the Expert Witness Directory at this link is an attorney with Perkins-Coie Law Firm.

Perkins – Coie is the law practice whose partners have provided Obama’s personal defense against all birth certificate and natural born citizen litigation over the past five years.  Hmmmmm.  Very interesting indeed.

If it turns out that Sheriff Arpaio is successful in getting Congress to investigate the authenticity of Obama’s BC, the Perkins-Coie legal team, who will be defending Obama, will be hard pressed to simply dismiss Reed Hayes as a “quack.”  This fact will be especially significant now that it is a revealed and proven truth that members of the Perkins – Coie firm have used Hayes as an expert witness! Their own prior cases, where Hayes was used as a witness, would be severely compromised if they use Saul Alinski-styled mocking attacks on Hayes.

It has been reported that Mr. Hayes has been hounded by Obama operatives to discover the details of his 40-page forensic analysis of the Obama pdf birth certificate. He has been referring them to Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse, who now legally own his report, for further information.

I also found it interesting that someone sided with the Obama administration and attempted to bring up dirt on Hayes by pointing out that he was a homosexual with a “partner,” who is now deceased. Isn’t that interesting? Why would that be considered “dirt” from the Obama side? Isn’t he the one telling us that is “normal” and isn’t he the one helping to push the homosexual agenda along? Ah, the hypocrisy!

Mike Zullo responded to the revelation from Hayes, “This ought to serve as a warning shot across the bow to the naysayers of our criminal investigation in the Obama fraud case. The impressive credentials of Mr. Hayes, and the fact that he has testified in court cases for Perkins-Coie coupled with the fact that Mr. Hayes is a registered Democrat, demonstrates the integrity of our investigation and our conviction that we possess incontrovertible evidence to back our case. It must be emphasized that we possess much more evidence similar to this revelation that we have not yet released for public information.”

Read more: http://freedomoutpost.com