Let the Sushine In

By Amy Havins @dallaswardrobe

maggy london dress c/o//marc jacobs daisy perfume c/o//sweet & spark bangles//ysl lipstick//tee jewelry bodychain//cartier watch

Now that April showers are almost out of the way I am really ready to let the sunshine in. This time of year is my absolute favorite because the sun is shining which makes my attitude much more pleasant & playful.

With every new season I like to add a new fragrance or two to my collection (a.k.a. my perfume tray). Since spring is in full swing I figured what better fragrance to add than one that is sunny & fresh. I immediately remembered that one of my friends said that Daisy by Marc Jacobs was her favorite so I thought I would give it a try!

When it comes to scents I like them to be charmingly simple, light yet sophisticated so after spraying Daisy by Marc Jacobs I knew this would be my new scent of the season. It is that scent that when you spray it takes you to a whole new playful world which is great, especially when you are stuck indoors working!

This scent is now my ‘go to’ and I know you would love it as much as me.

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