Let the Second-guessing and Criticism Begin...

Posted on the 31 August 2013 by Morage @kebmebms

Obama Will Seek Syria Vote in Congress

As has already been said elsewhere, President Obama should come out for air and oxygen.
Republicans would suffocate.
Doesn't this seem true?
    Meanwhile, out of all this?  Good news:     This, then, is nothing, if not a "win" for this President, the US, the American people, the world and peace. No, it's not a solution, by any means but it's great for nearly all concerned. Well, except the people being killed by Assad.   Maybe that "peace and love" thing has something to it after all.   The Rethuglicans are gonna' be pissed.   Again, some more.   And ain't 'dat just a dang shame?
Someone needs to point out, however, that the message, the resounding message now, since President Obama has come out for debating this strike and so many Americans are against it, rightly or wrongly (face it, if he's for something, many, many are going to be against it, just because), the message to the Syrians, being killed by their leader, is "F*CK YOU, YOU'RE SCREWED."

But have a nice weekend.
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