Let The Look Do The Talking -Sun Rise View of Mt.Bromo,Indonesia

By Tobeontheroad
It is 3 am in the morning and we are on our way to see the Sunrise at Mt Bromo in our old Toyota Land Cruiser.The roads were bumpy and we were huddled together with a German and French couple.Those two have been picked up by our driver from Yoschi Lodge on the way to the view point.These old battered Land cruisers were maintained in good condition by these guides and immaculately they were clean and colourful.

We reached the top of the Mountain and On the way we took pullovers and gloves to protect us from the chill wind outside.The whole place was covered with fog with the volcanic particles.many tourists were covering their nostrils with Hospital nose masks to prevent them from inhaling this volcanic ash particles.

The pace was full of Tourists from all over the world waiting to have a glimpse of the Mt Bromo with Sunrise at background.But it became fully fog with nil visibility and we know that the Varuna God is not going to help us any more.The crowd started melting away slowly but the experience of being there at that earl;y morning hours still lingering in our mind.

After witnessing the view point on Mt.Penanjankan we huddled into our Land Cruiser to climb down through the Whispering Havananah Forests to reach the sand dunes of Mt.Bromo which is an active volcano in East Java.The word Bromo is derived from Javanese pronunciation of Brahma the Hindu Creator God.

Will you look for the travel advise from the Indonesian Center for Vulcanolgy and Disaster Hazard Mitigation before planning to go to Mt.Bromo ?

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