After all the ire and negativity surrounding my last post – I felt I needed to ‘purge’ with a positive post that will hopefully be of benefit to readers and their children.
I mentioned, in response to a great reader comment, that perhaps I should do something of a feature now and then on ‘real’ people here in Luxembourg and so I’m kind of running with that on this post and want to introduce my friend Jodie Stirling and the concept of Kinesiology; a little understood healing therapy.
Jodie is something of a seasoned expat herself- she’s also lived in Hong Kong, is married to an Irishman and hails from Australia, so she’s kind of seen something of the world and has a fantastic sense of adventure. As a Mum of three she’s also earned her parenting stripes. But most of all, Jodie is just one of those really lovely people you’d like to be; kind and open hearted with a great sense of humor and a natural warmth. The kind of person you feel good to be around, and she’s a great listener. Which is pretty handy because she’s a trained ‘Neurolinguistic Kinesiologist’. Nope I had no clue either at first, but if I say ‘Brain Gym’ well that might provide a succinct enough clue as to why this therapy might be just the thing you are seeking if you have a child that is perhaps ‘highly sensitive’, dyslexic, suffers from anxiety, depression or mood swings, poor co-ordination, ADHD, or even if they have been diagnosed with Aspergers or Austistic spectrum disorders.
Kinesiology is simply the science of human movement and focuses on the psychological as well as the mechanical and physiological aspects too. Note that the conditions I mention above are all perhaps rather negatively associated with brain dysfunction. I guess the best way to think of it is having something of a ‘short circuit’, whereby the receptors are there but maybe not switched on – or maybe too switched on in one hemisphere – causing an imbalance, which can be tough for an adult to cope with but utterly traumatic and alienating for a child, causing them to shut down even further. The ‘Brain Gym’ concept isn’t about ‘curing’ as such – though the results can be quite dramatic – rather it’s about empowering individuals to be the best they can be, in order to help them learn and function to the optimum. The patented programme originated in America and is now a widely recognised methodology that works by stimulating the brain’s neural pathways through movement and various exercises.
So if you think of how a baby naturally develops and acquires various motor skills in specific stages throughout early life, it’s kind of an adaptation of that learning process; exercising the brain through tailored, sequential movement and stimulus, in order to better integrate the brain and body function. Many proponents of the programme aren’t quite sure themselves exactly why it works, they just know it does, and, from talking to a parent who tried this approach with a dyslexic child, I was told that the results can be so marked, in the child’s case, the teacher even postulated that a potential misdiagnosis had occurred. It hadn’t, but that’s pretty impressive and occurred after just a few weeks of therapy.
I suppose there will be sceptics and, as I’ve not experienced this kind of therapy first hand, this is purely my ‘take’, so I suggest you do a whole bunch of research and decide for yourselves. Better still, if you have a child that is experiencing problems of any kind and finding it difficult to function well at home or school, either physically and/or mentally, why not make an appointment with Jodie and go see what it’s all about?
Jodie operates out of the Luxembourg Chiropractic and Wellness Centre; an alternative therapy center with several chiropractors, massage therapists and a reflexologist. She has also launched her own website ‘‘ containing lots of information and contact details so be sure to check that out too.
If you really want to experience it first hand Jodie is also holding an adults-only Kinesiology Workshop (click link for enrollment form) alongside ‘Brain Training’ specialist Gavin Hyde, who has over 15 years experience working with children. The two-day course covers all the various movements and exercises and demonstrates how to best utilise them to “prepare the brain and nervous system for greater productivity”. Gavin is an Aussie too, so you know you’re going to have a lot of fun. Hurry though, the 2-day course will be run this coming weekend – Saturday 12th to Sunday 13th 10am to 4:30pm and another will be held on Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th 8:30am to 3pm. The course costs 275 Euros. Contact Registration: Jodie 691 192 205 Email:
Gavin will also be available for private appointments at the clinic from 11th through 21st October.
Jodie has received a huge response from parents wishing to know more about how Brain Gym can work for their children and many asked about a child specific workshop. And so, by popular demand Jodie will hold a one-off ‘Kids Only’ workshop this coming Thursday 17th August (3:30-5pm). The cost is just 29 Euros per child (discounts for siblings) and is to be held at St George’s International School in Hamm. Contact Jodie on 691 19 2205 or visit for registration.