Let's Talk About Baby Food

By Alongabbeyroad @alongabbeyroad

We had what you would call a bit of a heat wave last week. The temperatures were pushing into the 90's and we were beginning to melt. Ovens and that kind of heat don't mix, so we practically ate watermelon for every meal.
Wes is in the beginning stages of teething, so a cut down slice of watermelon seemed like a good treat to gnaw on. Boy, did that kid go to town! His form envied that of a seasoned watermelon-eating champion! I never gave Luke actual food to chow at this age (that wouldn't pose a choking hazard — think celery, peppers, watermelon rinds) but I've toned down my motherly paranoia. Wes loved it so much he screamed like a baby hawk (no really, if you heard it outside from our window, you'd think we were illegally breeding them) when I took it away.
I am really into making fresh baby food for Wes this time around. Homemade applesauce, pureed bananas, sweet potatoes, peas, etc. Not only is it more pocket-friendly, but I know that it is completely natural and the flavors will be more rich. I also always thought it would be more of a time-consuming headache than anything, but since I am already making food on a daily basis, what's one more thing on the list? It's as simple as quickly boiling the food and throwing it in a food processor. And bam! You're done.
I am in the process of illustrating and creating a darling baby food infographic for all of the eating stages and appropriate foods. Let me know if you have any tips or info I can add to it, or if there is anything specific you have questions about or would like to see!