Let’s See If I Remember How to Do This…

By Leah @ Oppositeocean @leahcb

It hardly seems necessary to explain my recent lack of posts since the reason is the same as it has been in the past when one of my mysterious absences comes about. My posts seem to rise and fall according to my university schedule. I would love to be able to devote more time to the blog, but at certain points in the year I must prioritize and the blog takes a back seat… or perhaps even goes in the trunk. That being said, I’m happy to say that this time it was worth it. I was quite pleased with my exam results and am feeling optimistic now in the first week of my spring semester. Since there has been literally nothing going on in my life except for studying since Christmas I will usher in a new period of life on OppositeOcean with a few photos from the last weeks.


1. Mr. Dorian Gray passed many a pleasant afternoon upon my lap in relaxation as I relaxed in kind while reading a book (and not a textbook!).

2. My favorite Belgian brought me home some surprise tulips to help celebrate positive exam results.

3. For the rain it raineth every day. (huh?)

4. Storm clouds loom threateningly in the light of the setting sun.

To finalize this little return post I want to let all my fellow bloggers know that I’m looking forward to catching up on all their posts that I missed during the exam period. I appreciate all the comments that have been left here on OppositeOcean in the past months and I hope to have more time to respond. I am always thrilled to see new comments and delight in the fact that people enjoy the things I share here.