Let’s Make Sure Your Kid’s Teeth Shine

By Peppertan

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It’s a well-known fact that kids hate going to the dentist. Your child might also shy away from brushing their teeth and keeping good oral hygiene. You might think this isn’t a big deal, particularly in the early years. After all, they are going to lose all their baby teeth at some point anyway, right? Correct, but let’s remember that bad habits are difficult to break. And even if kids are going to lose their baby teeth they can still have problems with their gums. The question is how do you make sure that your kids do keep good oral hygiene. Well, there are a few things you can try here.

Get Them Flossing

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From an early age, you need to make sure that your children are flossing regularly and keeping their teeth nice and clean. Otherwise, the plaque is going to build up and cause a whole host of problems that you don’t want to deal with. Of course, it’s difficult to encourage children to spend five minutes pulling a thin thread between each individual tooth to keep them clean. You want to make it easier for them, and we’ve got a possibility. Rather than bothering with the floss, you can instead, use a water flosser. A water flosser makes things, quick easy and simple for the kids. If you look at reviews of the best water flossers, you’ll easily be able to find one perfect for your family. Once you’ve taught your kids how to floss, you can think about using other products too.

For instance, you can get some cool electric toothbrushes with your child’s favorite characters. Disney just released lightsaber toothbrushes that have real sound effects. They’ll definitely want to brush if it makes them feel like a Jedi.

Make It Magic

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When they are younger, you can use a whole host of different stories to encourage good behavior in your children. For instance, at Christmas time there are little elves that watch children to see whether they have been good or bad for Santa. You can do the same type of thing with the tooth fairy. Just drop the hint that the tooth fairy doesn’t give as much money for teeth that aren’t clean and shiny. You’ll soon see them brushing far more regularly for longer.

Cut Out The Sugar

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Of course, you may also want to think about changing their diet a little to encourage healthier teeth. Ideally, you don’t want to let your children eat too many sugary snacks. These will certainly cause more damage to their teeth and ensure that they have lots of cavities when they visit the dentist. Try some healthier options instead and avoid sugary drinks.

Complement Those Pearly Whites

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Lastly, you’ll find this little trick works better on girls than boys. But if you compliment them and tell them how bright, shiny and beautiful their teeth look you should find they respond. They will want to continue to keep their teeth pearly white and as such will be more interesting in brushing and flossing. You’ll find this is particularly true as children head into the terrible teens.

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