Let’s Have Fun with This Caption Contest!

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

This is the 74th world-famous FOTM Caption Contest!

Here’s the pic:

The pic above was taken on April 10, 2014, at an Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries meeting at the Mandalay Bay resort in Las Vegas, Nevada, when Hillary “What does it matter” Clinton ducked a shoe thrown by a woman (a hardcore leftist) in the audience.

You know the drill:

  • Enter the contest by submitting your caption as a comment on FOTM, not via email or on Facebook.
  • The winner of the Caption Contest will get a gorgeous Award Certificate of Excellence and a year’s free subscription to FOTM! 
  • FOTM writers will vote for the winner.
  • Any captions proffered by FOTM writers, no matter how brilliant (ha ha), will not be considered. 

This contest will be closed in a week, at the end of next Tuesday, June 3, 2014.

To get the contest going, here’s my caption:

Eeeek! I’m melting! I’m melting!

For the winner of our last Caption Contest, click here.

Seen any good pics that you think would be great for our Caption Contest? Email them to us! 

