Let’s Get It Started In Here

By Mochocki @mochocki
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Everything has a beginning. A Start. And it’s usually a bit messy.

When I started this blog in October 2011, I had no idea where I wanted it to go. I just wanted to be cool like Michael Hyatt, the man who is responsible for introducing me to the world of blogging.

But I started my site like a high school love. Living in the moment. Only concerned about myself. No clear direction.Fast forward to this Spring. Another cool dude that I started to follow came out with a book called Start, a follow-up to his Quitter book. Both of these books resonated with me (I’ll share more on these in a later post). Because Jon doesn’t do anything halfway, he sent out this challenge to his readers.


For dangerous journey. 24 people, 24 days, 1 awesome result.

Success difficult.

Risk guaranteed.

Send an email to [email address].

This post will be removed in 24 hours.

I like a good challenge, so little me from South Dakota thought why the heck not!? With Jordan’s blessing, I responded. About 10 days later, I received the notification that I was in.

So, what is my Start Adventure?

  • Find my message.
  • Update my site/brand to reflect my new message.
  • Book a speaking engagement.

I have 24 days to accomplish this. Each day Jon will send us a message with a new goal to carry out.

Here we are. Day 1 of the Start Experiment. My goal for today was to get this post up on my blog and to send my brand/messaging out to my group for review. Check. Check.

Great Start.

Over the next 24 days, you’ll be seeing small and big changes happening, including a new blog header. Have any thoughts on what I should change? Let me know in the comments or connect with me using some other social media (Twitter, Facebook, Email).

Let’s get it started…in here.

(Yeah, I’m so 2000 and late.)

I want you to join me on this journey. What is your Start Adventure? Leave a note in the comments and let’s get this going.

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