Let’s Follow Along, and Live Our Lives Vicariously Through the President’s Hawaii Vacation!

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

The following article is posted on WhiteHouse.gov:

You're Invited to Follow Along on President Obama's 2014 Hawaii Vacation

December 19 - January 3
Once again, President Obama will head to Hawaii as part of his annual Christmas tradition. In keeping with the President's vision to make the Obama Administration as accessible as possible, the White House is inviting the American People to sit back, relax, and follow along on his 2014 Hawaii Vacation.


The President's Kailua Rental Home - 2014 Update

Due to an unfortunate "chewing incident" in the past involving First Dog Bo, the search for a suitable vacation rental home had become quite challenging. To combat this problem, President Obama issued an Executive Order last November declaring that any pet-related damage would be covered by the "full faith and credit guaranty" of the United States Government.

Luckily for the President, he was "in the neighborhood" when he flew back from his G20 Meeting in Australia on November 16. A brief Hawaii layover on his return trip gave him just enough time to take care of some important Hawaii vacation business.

The President secured the same house as last year in his favorite Kailua beach neighborhood. An exact replica of the official White House fence will once again be flown out in advance to provide both security and privacy for President Obama and his family.

Not to be out done, another dictator has invited his people to vicariously enjoy a ski vacation through him

It might look like a prison camp, but it's actually North Korea's first 'luxury' ski resort - and it's open for business

  • Much-anticipated Masikryong ski resort finally opened for business
  • 'Luxury' 1,400-hectare site looks more like a prison than an upmarket resort
  • Features expansive, garish hotel and several eating areas
  • Skiers can enjoy 70miles of slopes while watching propaganda videos
  • North Korean leader visited site in December and called it 'impeccable'


Welcome to North Korea's first 'luxury' ski resort - which actually looks a little more like a prison camp than the slopes Verbier.

The Masikryong ski resort, near Wonsan, opened for business earlier this year. Previously, it was home to a clear mountainside covered in lime trees.

Now it is a sprawling 1,400-hectare resort - complete with several expansive eating areas, uncomfortable-looking ski lifts and, of course, screens showing pro-government propaganda.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2617716/It-look-like-prison-camp-actually-North-Koreas-luxury-ski-resort-open-business.html#ixzz3MFW3jHmq

All dictators consider their rule benign.