Let’s Do Biznass

By Lil_white_whale @lil_white_whale

Alt NYC was a blast, you guys! I don’t have a lot of friends who are into blogging, so it was wonderful to be able to connect with so many fabulous people who love it as much as I do. Walking into a huge room of girls already chattering away with each other was intimidating (thankfully I spotted Audrey right away!), but everyone was so friendly that my anxiety quickly melted away. We did a few crafts, had some delicious food and drinks, said hi to Martha, and got our learn on. I also bumped into Laicie at the cocktail party afterwards. which was a big blur of balloons, candy, and wine, and we hit it off like old friends – so fun!

I plan on doing a “what I learned” post later this week so I won’t get into all that right now, but I will say that the speakers planted a few seeds into this little head of mine, and the wheels are turning…

* My business cards were printed at Jakprints, and they did an awesome job! One pearl of wisdom here – if you’re thinking of getting your cards edge painted, I recommend doing a bright color and not silver, which is quite hard to see on individual cards. Lesson learned.