Let's come back to where I come back a new start after the stories of the women I knew over and now where my start things over. Over is basically time and I am not sure exactly but it's around. I've had a tough time with my trying to push the rest of my life in for what's left.
I'm still closer to the beginning in my life than than the end or something that's closer than going more to what I'm writer rather than figure it out. As you might know that my the rest of it, that's enough for me as I'm healthy and can still write. And finish a screenplay last year and finish another. Eh?
Still I'm diving into a real-life story to give you some more about writing movies and a life of it that is still is going and having just go watch golf. Writing screen npages which is a lot more fun.and finding stories into people and mix them into weird stories that will give me more of those wonderful pieces of words and pictures that will last forever even when.
I am will be using the going along the highway of long and to find new things to see again between the US and Canada slipped into a combination of with now and then again and with Europe and Mexico to fulfill the holes left because of speed or unusual faces and places who I never new before and will captures of their hearts and their other.
This will catch the feel of many places that brought me to the start and brings the back to now for pieces of what we will wonder and think and find pieces of those whom I already spoke of and for the new ones who wonder who will find places of home or just simple surprises of what was.
A long time again back.