Let's Cheers! - Ansel's 5th and 6th Months

By A Happy Mum @A_Happy_Mum

They say better late than never, right? This post comes late as it's been tough finding time to blog, do videos or anything that can only be done when I am alone. My days and my nights revolve around the baby and the kids and the thing is, I'm never alone. But that is a blessing and a privilege in itself, right? I know this is a phase that will pass before I realize so instead of complaining, I choose to cherish instead.

This video compiles the milestones and moments from Ansel's 5th and 6th months, woohoo! Yup, how can it be that over half a year has flown by since he came into the world? But then again, 2021 seems to have come and gone in a flash so I shouldn't be that surprised, I guess.

This baby of mine has started to recognize people, his wails have gotten louder, he is now eating semi-solids, he makes lots of baby sounds, he can flip over in an instant, he loves interacting with his siblings, he lets strangers carry him and he is just a joy to be with every day.
I am really thankful to see him growing up well and look forward to spending each and every day with this sunshine boy of mine. Enjoy watching and I hope he makes you smile too! 

Dear Ansel,
You might not know it but it's been a tough period for Mama and the rest of your siblings too. We were dismayed when Tai Po went into a coma and utterly devastated when she left this world. I can't even describe to you the pain when my heart broke - I always thought giving birth was the hardest thing but that was just physical pain and this emotional kind of pain takes the cake. Sorry for breaking down and crying in front of you so many times in the last couple of months but please know that your smile gave me the strength and motivation to carry on and your hugs are my best medicine.
In the blink of an eye, you are half a year old already, you know that? Yup, six months have passed since the day you came into this world. You have gotten stronger and taller every day, our last visit to the doctor revealed that you now weigh 7.6kg and have caught up with your peers despite being a preemie at 35 weeks. That is a huge relief for me. You only whined for a couple of seconds when you took your two jabs before showing me your cute toothless grin once more. That is my brave boy and I hope you can be strong and courageous always.
Back at home, you've been flipping and rolling like an expert already and you seem to enjoy tummy time as you can hold your head up for quite a long time already. You enjoy bathtime every day and will get very excited when you go into your tub and you show your joy by kicking really hard and making a big splash. Oh, talking about tub, we got you a new bathtub because the old one broke and cracked. It was nice to have one passed down from all your siblings - that tub was brought over from Sweden and has so many memories - but also awesome to have a new one too, right? 
You are so deeply loved by all of your siblings, you know that, right? They are always so excited and happy to see you after school, they love to carry and hug you, they thank Mama and say you are the best thing that ever happened to us. And I totally agree. 
We bring you everywhere we go and our latest accomplishment was to scale to the summit of Bukit Timah Hill, woohoo! Of course, you did it while being carried or sitting snugly in the baby carrier but you were a gem to be so cooperative throughout. We even made our way to Hindhede Nature Park where we brought you to the quarry and you went on your first ever swing too. That was so fun, right?
You have also started eating more food these days, like cereal, brown rice, fruit and vegetable puree. Soon, we will be trying out even more food and I can't wait to let you go on more gastronomic adventures. We are gonna make a huge mess but have so much fun too, I am sure of it.
Thank you for adding so much joy, bliss and cuteness into my life, my dear baby boy. You changed my life for the better and I can't imagine not having you by my side. Love you so much!
With hugs and kisses,Mama