Let Me See Your Fives!

By Jessicavenoy @lovelyjesscuh
Friday...hallelujah! I'm linking up with Lauren (as usual) for High Five for Friday. I'm excited to share 5 of my favorite things from this week with y'all :)
one. Working out is always way more fun when you do it with your bestie. It feels good to finally be back on track with having a strict workout routine. I was a semi-slacker during the holiday season. She came over one day this week and we hit the gym, got dinner & watched a movie!

two. I'm not a huge makeup person...I don't know how to do it really, and I just don't like wearing a whole lot of it. But this eyeshadow pallet is FABULOUS. All of the colors are pretty neutral. Perfect for a makeup newbie like myself.

three. 2 date nights this week! We went to a place in Tampa called The Refinery, and it was a cool place to eat. It was very hipster-ish, so Adam & I didn't really blend in there, but we still had a good time! The food (and drinks...c'mon) we're delicious! And then Wednesday night we got BBQ...I can never say no to BBQ anything. Ever.

four. Loving my arm candy from Shop Miss Chic! I bought these bracelets and a top...maybe you'll see the top in an outfit post in the coming months :)

five. I found this plaid shirt tucked away in my closet...I was excited to bust it out and wear it again. Confession: I think I've had this shirt since my sophomore year in high school. Don't judge me...

Happy weekend, people :)