Let It Snow!

By Hikingwithheather @HikingHeather

We had our first accumulating snowfall last night... big, fluffy flakes coating every surface making a sweet little winter wonderland! In honor of the new season, I'm rolling out the winter logo.
Tree branches hung low with the heavy weight of the freshly fallen snow as Charlie and I headed out for our evening walk after dinner, enjoying the silently falling snow and empty sidewalks. Street lights lit up the blanket of white, reflecting a deceiving brightness all around. Insulating properties of the snow caused sounds to be muted and muffled my laughter as I watched Charlie's tail wag a full 180 degrees from one flank to the other as she reveled in the new season. She was so distracted with the snow that she didn't even care about the treats in my pocket. Charlie is a winter dog and snow brings out the puppy in her!
With the snow comes a grateful spirit as the holidays approach and I look forward to spending time with family & friends while enjoying the sights, sounds and smells of the season. I hope this holiday spirit finds you and warms your heart.
Smile. And pass on happiness to all those you smile upon.