Lessons from Paradise

By Dreamcreate @THEdreamcreate

 I apologize for my blog absence, I figured nobody would notice until my best friend’s mom sent her a worried message wondering if I was okay, I hadn’t posted in a while!

Well friends…I was in Kaua’i taking a break from life, the internet, and silly things like pants. Within a few days of island life, dressing up meant wearing shoes and non ocean-approved under-garmets.

Owning a place there has made us feel more and more like locals with every visit, this time was no different. Persistent rain and dark clouds ruled the sky most of our visit, and our travels deeper into the island revealed the non-luxury reality of living in Hawaii. Behold my life lesson from paradise, inspired by a few mind-explosions of realization.

The mind can build a paradise in hell, a hell in paradise.

Paraphrased from John Milton’s Paradise Lost, this has never felt more true. Tourists see the shiny, sun-kissed, faerie dusted parts of the island, while some locals have bars on their windows, struggle to find work, or live in homes in total disrepair. Just because they live in paradise doesn’t mean people don’t have problems like the rest of us. Paradise is completely a state of mind. It can be found anywhere, even in your own backyard. In turn, even the most exotic places can feel like hell if you allow them to. Maybe life isn’t perfect, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be blissfully happy with what you have.

And that’s it, my big “aha” moment. I also learned that fruit “liberated” from people’s trees taste better than any fruit you can buy. That’s another great life lesson. You’re welcome.

Sending everyone loads of love and groovy island vibes, and thanks for stopping by!

xoxoxox Alana