In the fall we have a family tradition where if you catch a falling leaf and then put it under your pillow, the Fall Fairy stops by during the night to leave you a new pair of (often beautiful and) warm socks in preparation for the coming winter.
I post this picture now because when looking back through my photos, I saw it and thought, oh to have the days of Fall again. Yup, I’d rather have a brown yard, that needs to be raked (but where I could still wear shorts and a tee-shirt) than this these days.
This is the same yard, just a few months apart. Absolutely amazing. And I know, I live in New Hampshire, what do I expect, right?
All I can say is that I’m glad the Fall Fairy listened to the Farmer’s Almanac this year and decided to go with wool.
Wendy Thomas writes about the lessons learned while raising children and chickens in New Hampshire. Contact her at
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