Lesson 943 – Be Brave

By Wendythomas @wendyenthomas

Here in New Hampshire the temperatures are mild, we’ve (thankfully) missed that second polar vortex that has hit the United Sates and, dare I say, are relatively comfortable with this warmer weather.  (The dampness is reminding me of my age, but you can’t have everything.)

In fact, the temps are so mild, that it’s difficult to not think of Spring when you step outside. The ice is melting, mud is showing, and *that* smell is in the air.

Ah but those of us in New Hampshire know better than to start looking for Spring Crocuses. It’s only January.


I remember when it was time to leave for the hospital to deliver my son – we had to call the Police department to get our street plowed so that we could get out of our driveway.

That was on March 24th.

So while I am enjoying the milder weather, I, for one, am not going to be seduced by it.

I have counseled my family and flock to hold on. Winter is still coming. And like Merida from Disney, I ask them to be brave.

Merida is clearly not impressed.

Wendy Thomas writes about the lessons learned while raising children and chickens in New Hampshire. Contact her at Wendy@SimpleThrift.com

Also, join me on Facebook to find out more about the flock (children and chickens) and see some pretty funny chicken jokes, photos of tiny houses, and even a recipe or two.

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