Lesson 941 – Lyme Disease – Status

By Wendythomas @wendyenthomas

The last Lyme disease update I put on my blog was rather celebratory. I had finished 3 months of medication. Yay!

Many of my symptoms had, it seemed, melted away. Yay!

I was cured. Big Yay!

And then about 2 weeks after I had stopped the medication, I started to feel some very familiar twinges in my shoulder and elbow.

Hmm, I thought, it must just be the weather, you know that crazy New England weather of ours.

And then my muscles started twitching a little bit more at night. The bottoms of my feet start hurting again and that Achilles tendonitis like a song that you can’t get out of your head, started making itself heard. At first just around the edges and then it became stuck in my brain.

To be fair, the symptoms were not as severe as they were when I first started treatment, but there was no doubt about it, like in the movie Poltergeist 2, they were back.

To those who are struggling with Lyme, I know that this does not come as a big surprise. Although it would have been terrific to have been cured in 3 months, even I knew it was highly unlikely.

Based on the many (many) stories I’ve heard from others who are afflicted with Lyme and co-infections, it is the rule, rather than the exception to be treated (and to suffer) for a long time.

Does it mean the medication didn’t work? Was it that the Lyme bacteria which is clearly throughout my body managed to keep away from the meds in the form of cysts? Did I need to add extra supplements?

Who knows.

But this I do know. I am back on a restricted diet (even more restricted than before, this time I’m doing Paleo – and actually loving it, I’ll write about it later) and I’m back on the antibiotics.

Which of course means that I’m back to throwing up – so any and all recommendations in that department will be greatly appreciated.

This time, however, I’m also adding various supplements and herbal products (which I will also be writing about  later.)

And I won’t be in such a rush to come off of meds again.


Thank you all for your comments and discussion. I read every single reply and find much value in your experiences.

Disclaimer, this is an account of my Lyme symptoms and treatment, it is not intended to be used in the treatment of anyone else’s condition. Please consult and work with your physician if you think you may have Lyme.

Let me know if you have any questions about my Lyme symptoms and/or treatment, if I don’t have the answer, I’ll find someone who does.

Wendy Thomas writes about the lessons learned while raising children and chickens in New Hampshire. Contact her at Wendy@SimpleThrift.com

Also, join me on Facebook to find out more about the flock (children and chickens) and see some pretty funny chicken jokes, photos of tiny houses, and even a recipe or two.

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