Lesson 850 – There’s Something About Josephine

By Wendythomas @wendyenthomas

We still have our two Copper Marans. Even though Mr. Bucket, our Black Copper Maran, is a rooster, he hasn’t learned how to crow yet and as such, he is still welcomed in our backyard.

And we also have Josephine, our Blue Copper Maran.

Who’s tail is looking a bit “bling-ified” these days. And that has me worried.

Mr. Bucket’s tail is glossy, iridescent, and the feathers gracefully bend in a cascade over his back. That boy is all male.

On the other hand, Charlie, our female Black Copper Maran’s tail feathers are long but they point upward toward the sky – a marked difference. Charlie, as we all know, is nothing short of a queen.

Josephine’s feathers are a hybrid of the two. Neither short nor long, straight or curved (much anyway.) I can’t for the life of me figure out what is happening (although I do have my suspicions. *sigh*) I keep looking at her and think “hmmmm, could it be?” Then not wanting to even entertain the possibility, instead of continuing to fret, I go inside to fix myself a cup of tea.

But again, the coop is quiet, so who knows.

Perhaps we have just have a well-behaved boy(s). Perhaps, one or both just don’t feel inspired to call out to the day. Perhaps, Josephine is into tail bling, the way my daughters are into nail polish – another way to express individuality.

Or maybe I’m just really, really, deep into denial.

Whatever the reason, we’ve still got our Copper Marans, but the big question that remains is for how long?

A girl’s got to have her bling

FYI – for those who will be following my Lyme information, I’ll be putting up my progress reports on Thursdays. I have an appointment tomorrow with my doc and will then find out what course of action I will be taking.

Wendy Thomas writes about the lessons learned while raising children and chickens in New Hampshire. Contact her at Wendy@SimpleThrift.com

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