Lesson 686 – The Fabulous Chicken Ladies

By Wendythomas @wendyenthomas

Last weekend, I went to the Northeastern Poultry Congress to both see the incredible variety of chickens on display and to also meet up with some of my chicken blogging/writing friends. The four of us (dare I call us the chick-fab-four?) have been writing and blogging about chickens for years. Each of us brings our own special insight to the big world of chickens which makes for great conversations when we are together.

Of course, I bought Fatti-Madi with me.

Here Fatti-Madi is posing with author, blogger, illustrator, and all around good egg: Lauren Scheuer of Scratch and Peck and Once Upon a Flock.

Terry Golson of Hencam  and author of Tillie Lays an Egg was also there. Terry brought some of the absolute, best brownies I have ever eaten.

Melissa Caughey of Tilly’s Nest, who kept us enraptured with story after story was also in attendance. Rock on Melissa (and yes, I do want that recipe of yours – and that scarf.)

Fatti-Madi also caught up with Kelsea R. whom I had met last year. Kelsea raises and shows Polish chickens and she also has a tremendous amount of self-confidence as she came right up to me when she saw Fatti-Madi and asked me what the stuffed chicken was all about. Hope to see you again next year Kelsea.

Linda Bickford, a friend that I met last year and who has given me invaluable advice about Black Copper Marans (Charlie) also agreed to pose with Fatti-Madi.

Oh, and lastly I got Fatti-Madi to pose with another chicken lady who was at the show – she’s only one of the best selling children’s authors/illustrators ever! Yup, here’s my stuffed chicken toy posing with the incomparable Jan Brett, who graciously agreed to a photo even though she was in a hurry. But then that’s what chicken people do for each other, we’ve always got each others’ baaaaachk.

Same time next year ladies.