Lesson 661 – UB SNAP Challenge – Day 3

By Wendythomas @wendyenthomas

SNAP Challenge Day Three

Busy day today, had a meeting at the library that lasted 3 hours this morning and then I had to take my daughter to a fair. Didn’t have time to make breakfast and so my first meal of the day was a portable lunch that I made when I stopped home between events.

I’ll fit and eat breakfast later in the day so that the day will reflect 3 meals.

Breakfast –

Yup, that’s a whole delicious box of raisins swimming in butter.

Can I just say that this breakfast felt like I was eating a buttery oatmeal cookie. No complaints from me on this one.

  • Oatmeal with raisins and butter (sprinkle of cinnamon)
  • Tea


  • ½ cup raw oatmeal (1 serving)
  • 1 box raisins
  • 2 pats of butter
  • Cinnamon
  • Tea bag


Today lunch had to be portable. I made the entire lunch in the time it took for the English muffin to toast. It was certainly faster than hitting the drive through. Everything was put in baggies and I ended up eating my lunch in the car, something that I try to avoid, but hey, it happens – life is busy.

Note: I’m a big yardsaler and as a result, I’ve picked up lots of small plastic containers for food. I should have used them here instead of the baggies but I was so rushed. My point is that you don’t need to buy baggies, you can buy a .10/.25 cent container that will last forever from a yardsale (or thrift store.)

To drink, I had water which had been infused with lemon. (Second day using the lemon slices, I made sure the water bottle was kept in fridge.)

Lunch –

Lunch to go.

  • Ham, cheddar cheese, escarole sandwich on English muffin
  • Tortilla chips
  • Tangerine


  • 1 toasted English Muffin
  • 1 slice deli ham
  • ½ slice deli cheddar cheese
  • Some escarole from head
  • 8 Tortilla chips (1 serving)
  • 1 Tangerine

To drink – lemon water


I had my tea and cookie snack in the afternoon. Not a big cookie eater but I’m find that I’m loving my Vanilla Wafers.

Afternoon snack

  • 11 Vanilla cookies (1 serving)
  • Cup of tea


Dinner –

For this dinner I was originally going to have a side salad but when I made the BLT pasta last night, the wilted Escarole worked out so well that I threw it into the dish tonight.

Note, when I got the meat off of the chicken thigh that first night, I left the skin on and added a teaspoon of the chicken fat from the pan into each portion. That helped with oil and flavor.

  • Easy chicken cassuolet
  • Buttered bread


  • ½ precooked chicken thigh (from freezer)
  • 1/3 can of beans (1 serving)
  • Slice of onion
  • 1/3 can of diced tomatoes (1 serving)
  • Handful of Escarole
  • Slice bread
  • Butter
  • Seasoned salt


Wasn’t really hungry but to keep to my plan of 3 meals and 2 snacks, I ate 2 carrots (not a problem, I actually love carrots.)

Evening snack

  • 2 raw carrots