I told you I would show you Simon’s newest piece of art today and true to my word, here it is.
Simon the painting chicken's "Sunflower"
It’s called “Sunflower” (doesn’t it just brighten your day?)
Simon (her twin sister is named Garfunkel) had actually painted the flower part last year but we had never gotten around to putting the “seeds” in so last night, Addy went out to the henhouse and because it was raining she brought little Simon into the kitchen so that she could finish the picture and sign it (in the lower right corner.)
I held Simon who snuggled down into my arms while Addy helped with the paints and canvas. Not a peep was heard from our artist, in fact at one point, I even wondered if she had fallen asleep, but no, it turns out she was keeping one eye open at all times on Pippin, our dog who found this all highly interesting.
I don’t know if you caught that but we had a chicken in our kitchen last night painting and you want the know the best part about that? Not one person in my family thought it was in the least bit odd to do this.
A chicken in the house? We’ve had many before and I imagine we’ll have many more.
A painting chicken? Our philosophy has always been, if you’ve got the God given talent then it’s your obligation to use it.
And after all, when you come down to it, a flock member is a flock member and when one member does well, we all celebrate. That’s just the way it is.
We’ll be bringing the painting (along with a photo of the fowl-artist) over to the Merrimack high school cafeteria tonight, 6-9, (November 17th) for the Merrimack Library Turkey Shoot (it’s actually a raffle of Thanksgiving dinner supplies – no turkeys are actually shot.) Simon’s painting will be entered as one of the community raffle prizes.
We’ll see how much good a little chicken can do by using her feet.
Simon the artist