Lesson 1568- Life Lessons I Want My Kids to Know

By Wendythomas @wendyenthomas

I am a list maker, have always been one. It’s how I get so much accomplished during the day. If I write it down it doesn’t get forgotten and it usually gets done.

Which is exactly why I created this list years ago when the kids were little. I was going through some old papers last night and found this ancient piece of our family history.

It seems an appropriate time to post it for others who may have younger children during the often-unstructured last month of summer.

This simple list, posted in the living room, helped me during August when (at least once a day) I’d hear from one of the kids – “I’m bored.”

My response was – “Go check the list and pick out something to do.”

There was no argument and I didn’t have to spontaneously come up with ideas, there are already there in black and white.

Win for the kids. Win for the mom.

Lesson Learned: Preemptive organization and planning saves an awful lot of headache.

Lesson 1568- Life lessons I want my kids to know

Lesson 1568- Life lessons I want my kids to know


Wendy Thomas writes about the lessons learned while raising children and chickens in New Hampshire. Contact her at Wendy@SimpleThrift.com

Also, join me on Facebook to find out more about the flock (children and chickens) and see some pretty funny chicken jokes, photos of tiny houses, and even a recipe or two.

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