Not much news on the predator front.
We’d had some trail cameras set up but they didn’t show anything other than an opossum walking around our yard (and while very interesting, it wasn’t the result we were looking for.)
If we don’t see any predators then we don’t set the traps. And of course the logical follow-up to that is that if no traps are set, then no predators are caught.
My daughter got a text from our neighbor who reported seeing a fox that had been reported all over our they’re out there.
We are still holding at 15 chickens (Gimpy is doing better each day but she still sleeps separate from the flock, mostly because she can’t yet defend herself from the pecking that has already started.)
We are in a holding pattern where we can’t relax on our vigilance (will I ever be able to do that?)
A friend who had heard about our situation, wanted to know if we wanted some 8-week old pullets to augment our flock. Although I’d love to have more chickens, I’m not going to bring new birds into an unfamiliar and potential unsafe situation.
We’re just going to have to wait until the spring for any new members to our flock. For now, our energy is going toward protecting what we currently have.
The girls are definitely staying close to home.
Wendy Thomas writes about the lessons learned while raising children and chickens in New Hampshire. Contact her at
Also, join me on Facebook to find out more about the flock (children and chickens) and see some pretty funny chicken jokes, photos of tiny houses, and even a recipe or two.
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