Lesson 1295 – Presidential Selfie “chicks”

By Wendythomas @wendyenthomas

Do you remember how I wrote about my two little chicks trying to get a selfie with every Presidential candidate (real potential candidates, no loons)? It’s their non-partisan summer project and it has our full support. (Are you kidding? They’re getting such an education about the primary process in NH!)

Well on Tuesday the girls waited in line for 2 hours (it was hot, hot, hot!)


We were finally seated and this is what we saw:


After the event, the girls were moved to a private area in a secure part of the school and this happened:


Yes, they are talking about the “selfie project.”

Which led to this:


One of our chicks is currently at Fort Knox getting 5 weeks of training. He has *no* idea what his sisters have been up to (except for the quick amount of information we can tell him in his allowed Saturday night phone calls.) I think that he’ll be more than a little surprised when he gets home in a few weeks.

I said it before, I’ll say it again, there will be no keeping them down on the farm after this!


Note: I want to stress that this is a non-partisan project. I realize that people have strong views about the candidate they support, but this project is all about engaging with the candidates, listening to what they have to say, and then getting a selfie. With the exception of the selfie part, it’s something *everyone* should be doing. 


Wendy Thomas writes about the lessons learned while raising children and chickens in New Hampshire. Contact her at Wendy@SimpleThrift.com

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