On Memorial Day we took the kids up to Odiorne Point, which is a NH State park located on our tiny coast (and yes, contrary to popular belief, New Hampshire, the White Mountain and Granite state does have some beaches.) As someone who grew up near the ocean (Long Island Sound) I’ve always been able to breathe better and just expand when I’m at the shore. That salt water lives in my blood and it calls to me if I’ve been away for too long.
Simply put, we had a great time.
New Hampshire’s coast line is only 18 miles long and much of it is rocky, but hey, we’ll take what we can get. And of course, when you are faced with a bunch of rocks, you make do with what you have. Instead of sandcastles, you’ll find rock cairns like this one all over the place.
Even at the shore though, we are reminded that we are never really far from our fine NH woods.
And because we have those woods literally kissing our beaches, when you go to the shore in New Hampshire, you have to also be careful of this.
That right, when visiting the beaches of New Hampshire please remember this: Leaves of three – leave them be and don’t forget to bring the sunblock.
Wendy Thomas writes about the lessons learned while raising children and chickens in New Hampshire. Contact her at Wendy@SimpleThrift.com
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