Lesson 1173 – Quotable Chicks

By Wendythomas @wendyenthomas

Friday’s Quotes for the Chicks

Remember that most fairy tales were written by men – Jaime Morrison Curtis

As I go through the stores this holiday season, I can’t help but notice all things Frozen. Frozen toys, dinnerware, clothing, bedding, and even earmuffs. All I can say is “Thank God my girls are older.”

Don’t get me wrong, I saw Frozen and I, along with the rest of the world, loved the music (although to be honest, I am *very* tired of “Let it Go”), but here’s the thing – news flash, fairy tale princesses do not reflect reality.

For example, the ice princess becomes provocatively sexy once she comes into her power (watch the video clip of Let it Go and you’ll see what I mean, apparently one develops a svelte figure and an incredible cat walk once you come into your own.)

And the other princess gets rescued by a boy (even though until that point, she had looked like an earnest, although a bit ditzy, heroine.)

What we need, instead of sexy young women who need to be rescued, is a role model that reflects earnest and honest living. We need a story for girls based on chickens.

What a minute, hear me out on this, as you’ll see, hens pull no punches.

  • They scratch for their food, the same as everyone else – you want dinner, you have to work for it.
  • Their bums get bigger when they come into their power and start laying eggs (hey it happens.)
  • Once they have chicks they hover around always ready to protect and instruct (they don’t die in a tragic accident like so many fairy tale parents do.)
  • Hens do their job and they do it without complaining, you want an egg, I’ve got one right here.
  • Hens help themselves by helping others. Roosting close to another on a cold night, keeps you just as warm as it keeps them.

Hens work hard, contribute, and they don’t complain – if you ask me, that is a very good role model.

Honestly, someone needs to write a new set of tales for our youth with chickens as the main characters – Let it crow.

Next week:

  • Tiny Living
  • Holiday magic
  • Chickens in the cold
  • And Christmas cookies for the flock(s)

Until then, enjoy – Be safe, I’ll see you all next week.


Wendy Thomas writes about the lessons learned while raising children and chickens in New Hampshire. Contact her at Wendy@SimpleThrift.com

Also, join me on Facebook to find out more about the flock (children and chickens) and see some pretty funny chicken jokes, photos of tiny houses, and even a recipe or two.

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