Isabelle was cold and lost, so I have her inside, warming her up.
Although I knew the wind was teeth jarring and very strong yesterday (I was concerned that some of our chickens might even blow away), how on earth was our chicken lost? I asked my daughter.
She was just sitting in the middle of the backyard, not moving.
Okay, I replied. Keep an eye on her.
Next she sent me a photo with this text:
Mamma-Hen Fillin: How to care for a chicken like a baby, let it sleepFollowed by: Fun Fact Chickens snore
Um, chickens do not snore, now I was starting to get worried. Something was up with Isabelle. But of course, I was far away in another town taking photos like this:
I’m gonna try to get her outside and see how she does.
Okay but keep an eye on her.
She’s back inside.
When I got home, I checked on Isabelle who was being cuddled in a towel by my daughter. She looked limp and sleepy. Quite frankly, she didn’t look strong at all – perhaps her infection was returning.
Let’s put her in a box for the night, I told my daughter. My daughter fetched a cardboard box and we placed Isabelle in the box – from which she immediately jumped out and started to walk around the house looking for food. Didn’t look like much was wrong with this bird, but I decided to keep her in the rabbit hutch (chicken ICU) for the night just in case she was coming down with something.
This morning, I checked on her and she is as right as rain. Nothing wrong with that bird that I can tell.
Clearly, we either have a chicken who might have a little brain dysfunction going on as a result of her recent infection (lost in our backyard?) or we have a genius chicken who has figured out how to spend a cold, windy day wrapped up in a warm towel being cuddled by teen girls while her flock mates suffer outside in the bitter weather.
Wendy Thomas writes about the lessons learned while raising children and chickens in New Hampshire. Contact her at
Also, join me on Facebook to find out more about the flock (children and chickens) and see some pretty funny chicken jokes, photos of tiny houses, and even a recipe or two.
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