Just spent the morning writing up a reply to a Vermont news station that broadcasted a segment on “How to do a proper tick check” filled with misinformation and inaccuracies. If residents of Vermont heed this, so-called expert physician’s recommendations, (don’t worry about a tick that has been attached for less than 36 hours, don’t bother with checking the hair and scalp, if you are spending 60 seconds checking for ticks you are spending too much time,…) then they are unnecessarily exposing their children to what can be a devastating and debilitating disease. Uuuuuuuggggghhh.
To put it bluntly, this physician is a danger to his patients. ARrrrrrrgghhh.
Okay, calm down, deep breath.
A few updates:
Here is a piece I wrote on a writers’ blog about some spiders that were living in our bathroom. I couldn’t get rid of the spiders because I wanted to know how the story ended.
This is how the story ends.
Living Tiny in a Big House:
Some readers have contacted me and asked to me post before and after photos of my purging/organizing projects. I had to think about this one, because last time I did this, I got a few comments about being a bad mom and having a disgusting house.
I’ve decided that I will do it, because I’m a visual person and sometimes, it’s only when I see something that I truly understand and embrace it. Just be gentle on me, okay? I’m a busy person and housework is not on my top-ten list of favorite things to do when I have a few extra minutes.
This weekend I’m going to purge my desk, where as I write this, I am surrounded by three mountainous piles of books that keep threatening to fall down onto my computer. As many of these books are needed as reference and resources, I’m not sure I can get rid of them, but I do know that I will be able to organize them into piles and then store those piles on a shelf instead of on my desk. Imagine reaching for a book I need and not have 5 7 others fall down in the process!
I’ll have an update on this project next week.
World Cup:
If you haven’t been watching the World Cup, you’ve been missing some incredibly exciting games (as well as our solo-red-cup-World-cup parties.) As my Facebook friends know, my little dog, Pippin has been my faithful soccer-watching buddy throughout the entire tournament. The USA did not advance, but oh, what a game it was.
A big shout-out to flock member Elaine – you rock, girl, thanks for reaching out. (And can I just say that writers LOVE to hear from people who read their writing.)
And lastly chickens. We are heading into some very hot and humid weather. Just reminding all the chicken owners (and dog and cat and (insert animal) owners) out there to make sure your charges have access to cool clean water and shade at all times.
One of our New Hampshire Reds
Let’s all be careful out there.
Have a happy fourth, guys – enjoy your parades, bar-b-cues, fireworks, and time spent with your flocks.
Wendy Thomas writes about the lessons learned while raising children and chickens in New Hampshire. Contact her at Wendy@SimpleThrift.com
Also, join me on Facebook to find out more about the flock (children and chickens) and see some pretty funny chicken jokes, photos of tiny houses, and even a recipe or two.
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