Friday’s Quotes for the Chicks
Amazing Lego Mama Hen is inordinately proud of her chick’s pottery class project.
Next week, we return to the flock. Not that you won’t be seeing Amazing Lego Mama Hen again (oh, I’m quite certain she’ll show up every now and then), but this weekend, we will be moving the baby chicks out to the big coop.
It’s time. They are fully feathered and to be perfectly honest, our living room smells. Badly.
This means setting up a safety area for the babies in the coop and watching them like proverbial hawks (or in our case, a falcon.)
I’ll be reporting on that progress all next week.
Also, for an article I’m writing for Backyard Poultry on Keeping Roosters Quiet, I interviewed the inventor of NO CROW Rooster Collars – they are bands that go around a rooster’s neck that keep the rooster from taking a deep inhalation (but do not interfere with regular breathing or eating.) If you can’t take a deep breath, you can’t make a loud crow.
She is going to send me a sample to try. If it works, this could be BIG news to those of us who accidentally get roosters and who then (guiltily) have to get rid of them due to the noise.
Be safe and see you all next week.
Wendy Thomas writes about the lessons learned while raising children and chickens in New Hampshire. Contact her at
Also, join me on Facebook to find out more about the flock (children and chickens) and see some pretty funny chicken jokes, photos of tiny houses, and even a recipe or two.
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