Remember that giant white chick I had? Well, the funny thing with chicks is that they grow. They grow a lot! Here we are one week later and while she is still larger than the rest, she now falls within the normal range of her sisters.
I’m afraid that I can’t even call her big-boned anymore, Elsa, is just Elsa – the chicken who decided to grow at her own rate.
One thing is still puzzling. I remain uncertain as to her breed. See that striped one to Elsa’s right? That little guy, is one of her sisters. I could see a genetic aberration allowing for some white, but all white?
A friend of mine breeds Marans and he’s hatched a few rare all-white ones, so I suppose it’s possible.
But when you look at this Araucana (notice the neck feathers) -
And then you compare it to Elsa, tell me if you don’t have your doubts about their parentage.
I’m afraid, I’m going to have to go with the switched at birth theory for this little chicken. No worries though, she’s still a very welcomed member of our flock.
We’ll keep her.
Wendy Thomas writes about the lessons learned while raising children and chickens in New Hampshire. Contact her at
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