We returned to Les Tablettes de Jean-Louis Nomicos with the parents of a chef we know and when pere tried the amuse of a lemon gel bottom, a creamy middle, fennel and a tomato sauce on top, he, three hours off a plane said the likes of "I've never had anything like this before, it's very good." The four of us went with the 42 E 3 course "menu"' with wine from the carte versus the 58 E 4-course one with coffee and 37.5 cl of wine. Smart Euro-wise? I'm not so sure.
For mains, in descending order, we had the artisinal pasta, morilles, asparagus and sot l'y laisse of chicken; crispy skinned lieu (of the cod family) with marjorum, smoked eggplant and piquillos; and a jarret of veal with a ginger sauce, raw carrot slices and terrific (I assume Noirmoutier) potatoes).
Desserts were a fondant of chocolate with cocoa sorbet and mascarpone and various "wood" fruits with fromage blanc and raspberry sorbet.
With two bottles of nice Bordeaux, 3 coffees and no bottled water our bill was 116.50 E per couple which our guests picked up in a terribly nice gesture. Disclosure: the head guy gave us all glasses of a wonderful fortified red wine from Ukraine that had echoes of cassis, prune and other fruits. Another nice gesture.