Les Saisons in the 9th: "This May Have Been My Best Meal This Summer" Quoth Colette.

By Johntalbott

Les Saisons, 52 Rue Lamartine in the 9th,, (Metro: ND de Lorette) has become a regular stop for us since it opened.  The menu is always so interesting, the staff so warm and the prices so easy that you forget that the food is really really good.

As comprehensive as the carte was I decided to have 3 entrees and Colette was having one plat so I said "listen, order the artichoke with ham and parmesan, I'll eat it."  Ha.  She almost polished it off before I reminded her and we switched plates, I having had the ceviche of sardines with chopped veggies.  Both were terrific.  But then suddenly before our seconds appeared unordered gaspacho and little tempura balls of fish and zucchini arrived - Colette, the Gaspacho Queen said"Tell them that I really know gaspacho and this is the best."

Then Colette had the daurade with a crisp skin and sauce to which a lot of crustaceans sacrificied their shells - it was great - and I had the sauteed foie gras on the bed of celery puree and 3 raspberries that colette declared sweet as could be.

For dessert Colette had today's crumble of strawberries and rhubarb and I the baba.

With a bottle of wine, terrific bread (2 gaspachos/tempuras and 2 more glasses of wine offered [apparently due to a slight spill]) and two coffees our bill was 94.40 E.