Lemon Ricotta Tart (When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemon Ricotta Tart) (Refined Sugar-Free)

By Aldy M. @AlDenteGourmet

Lemons are something that always makes me feel close to my childhood. When I was a child me, my brother and my sister used to go around the neighborhood with my grandma's shopping trolley and start collecting lemons and oranges from a variety of nearby trees around the block from where we lived. Picking citrus was our favorite thing to do, and we enjoyed it so much! We could barely wait until the next day to go back to those trees and pick up some more. And my mother was more than happy since that keep my brothers and me occupied for hours!
Here in New Zealand, we're blessed to have citrus trees all around us. And this new season the two little trees that we have are loaded with lemons and little oranges. So we've been lemon picking, lemon juicing, orange juicing, drinking lots of lemonade turmeric ginger tea, making lemony salad vinaigrette and indulging ourselves with this lemon ricotta tart.

This tart is a re-making of this one here. But this version is completely refined sugar-free. You can also make the dough using gluten-free flour if you like. This tart is incredibly delicious and easy to put together too. So here's this easy lemon ricotta tart and some photos from our little citrus trees!


For the dough:

75 g / ( 1/3 C.) unsalted butter
200 g / ( 2 C. ) self-rising flour 
50 g / ( 1/4 C.)coconut sugar, or to taste
1 egg 
Lemon zest- of 1 lemon
1/4 C. / ( 50 ml ) cold water (If needed)
Dough Preparation:

In a bowl add the flour and sugar. Rub in the butter until the mixture resembles bread crumbs, loosely gathering the mixture together in your hands without squeezing. Add lemon zest, egg and water (If dough it’s too dry). The dough should be firm, as well as moist and smooth. When ready, cool in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Greased and floured 28 cm baking dish. Set aside.
For the filling:

250 g / ( 9 oz ) ricotta, (full fat ricotta)

100 ml / ( 1/2 C. ) cream/pouring cream 
100 g / ( 1/2 C. ) coconut sugar, or to taste
2 egg yolks
1 egg 
Lemon zest-of one lemon-
1 Tbsp fresh grated ginger (optional)
Now, the filling preparation!Ok, in another bowl place the ricotta and star adding the rest of the ingredients- lemon zest, ginger, cream, sugar, egg yolks and egg- one by one. Mixing well each time, to prevent any lumps. 
Tart Assembling:
Roll out the dough on a floured surface and transfer to the baking dish. Pressing the dough up to the top of the sides and trimming any excess. Pour the ricotta filling. Place in the oven at 170 C / (335 F ) and bake for about 45-50 minutes. Let cool completely before serving. 
adapted from TodoCaserito