Lemon Rice

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom
I usually miss home (India) when I am hungry and too lazy to cook. There is someone or the other always there who can prepare the dish you are craving. And if not, there is online ordering services such asfoodpanda. I especially like that foodpanda takes the guesswork and research out of the ordering process. Enter your post code -> Search for cuisine type or restaurants or price range -> Check the menu from the selection of delivery restaurants around you -> ORDER! 
How simple is that!?!? ... Sigh! why can't my life be this easy?
Anyhoo, below is the recipe for the day
Although I am a 'north' Indian (geographically) I happen to LOVE South Indian food moreMy current addiction is Lemon Rice. I love lemon. I love rice. Hence, this seems like a match made it heaven. Except I have added my own twist to it (of course!). This is also a great way to recycle left over rice but I often make it the same day THIS dish specifically. 
Serves 6
3 cups of basmati rice
Salt to taste
1 tsp sugar
¼ cup lemon juice (freshly squeezed)
¼ cup fresh cilantro/coriander (chopped)
2 tbsp Vegetable oil
1 tsp mustard seeds
¼ teaspoon turmeric
2 tbsp dried cranberries
1 cup finely chopped onion
2 fresh green serrano peppers/chilies (chopped)
pinch of saffron (
optional, for garnish) 
- Boil the rice and let it cool down. Or use a day old rice.
- Take a large bowl and gently mix rice, salt, sugar, lemon juice and cilantro. Set aside.
- Heat oil in a large heavy sauté pan on medium heat. Add the mustard seeds; immediately cover with a spatter screen, and cook until the seeds stop popping (for no more than 30 seconds).
- Add onion, chilies and turmeric and sauté for about 2 minutes. Reduce heat to low.
- Add cashews and cranberries. Stir, until mixed together.
- Add rice and mix thoroughly until you attain unified color. Cover and cook for 4-5 minutes.
- Transfer to a serving platter. Garnish with cilantro and saffron (