Lemon Chili Chicken – No Recipes.com

By Slimshoppin @slimshoppin

I’ve been a fan of Marc at No Recipes.com for a long time – he’s an awesome chef, super creative and I love all the spices he puts in things. I saw this recipe of his – and it looked amazing – I had to make it – the same day I saw it!

One tip if you are making something with spices you’ve never used before, go to Whole Foods and buy them from the bulk bin. This recipe called for dried coriander and sumac and I had neither – less than twenty cents for each (I got about a tablespoon each).


PHOTO CREDIT:  Marc @ www.norecipes.com

PHOTO CREDIT: Marc @ www.norecipes.com

This is how his turned out – this is how mine turned out- I had time to take one shitty picture before my daughter got sick!


I was so excited to try this recipe – try new spices – I even went to Whole Foods by myself (no kids in tow!). So I started the recipe as soon as I got home. It said you could serve it over rice. I got arborio rice thinking it was like basmati rice – wrong! It’s more like making risotto. You keep adding water, letting the water evaporate and keep adding water, it didn’t turn out great. HOWEVER, the chicken tasted amazing!!!

It was almost done when my daughter Claire said she wasn’t feeling well, and was going to lay down on her bed. A few minutes later, I went to check on her and she threw up all over her bed, comforter and floor of her room!

By the time we got that cleaned up, the rice was too gummy, and the veggies were overcooked, but I will definitely try this again!

What is the spice sumac?

Sumac has a tart flavor that is very nice sprinkled on fish, chicken, over salad dressings, rice pilaf, or over raw onions. Try substituting in any dish on which you might squeeze fresh lemon juice. If you enjoy hummus, try topping it with a sprinkling of sumac

I also used for the first time dried coriander:

Dried seeds of the cilantro plant. Sold whole or ground with a flavor similar to a blend of lemon, sage, and caraway. (Some countries refer to the cilantro as coriander, so any references to “fresh coriander” or “coriander leaves” are meant as cilantro.)

The next time I make this, hopefully I won’t have to take a half hour break once it’s done to clean up someone getting sick


In other news – I have found a new funny blog that BIZ you would love and I don’t think you know about it…THUG KITCHEN. Despite the foul language – the recipes are very healthy and he has great ideas – check it out.

How was everyone’s mother’s day? – I had not one but two kids down with the stomach flu so that put a damper on the weekend. I think they ate just crackers and Gatorade all weekend!

My sister Biz spent time with our Mom and took this great photo

And I posted this photo on Facebook – I am on the right and Biz is on the left

It’s going to be summer out the next few days in Chicago – 80′s!!!! YES!!!