Lemon-butter Parsley Sauce… Eat Now Or Freeze for Later

By Omamas @jeannjeannie

I’ve been on a kick this week freezing sauces with ingredients straight from the greenhouse and it feels so good.

This is the first year we’ve really done it, and I’m so excited we’ll get to enjoy our home grown food year round.

You may remember our enormous amount of parsley from my post about ladybugs.

And seeing I don’t have the counter space for this dehydrator I’ve been eyeing, drying the parsley is out of the picture.

So, what better way to store up your parsley than making and freezing a sauce you use all the time?

I promise you can’t go wrong with this stuff.

Because of the abundance of parsley, I quadrupled (at least) the recipe this time.

INGREDIENTS: (yields about a pint)

  • 1/3 cup cold pressed olive oil
  • 1/3 cup pastured butter
  • 1 small white onion
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • juice of one lemon (omit this if freezing)
  • salt and pepper to taste


  • In a medium-sized pot, add olive oil and butter and cook on low until combined.
  • Finely chop onion, garlic and parsley by hand or using food processor. Add into butter and oil mixture.
  • Add salt and pepper, starting with just a pinch.
  • Simmer on low for 15-20 minutes until flavors are combined.
  • If eating now, squeeze in the juice of one lemon to brighten the flavors.
  • If freezing, omit the lemon for now and add later once you have reheated your sauce.

We primarily use this sauce over a seafood pasta, but the flavors are so great it can hold its own over just plain ol’ noodles.


  • Fill pint size mason jars, leaving an inch up top. Set lid on top (don’t screw down yet), and place in the freezer. Allow to freeze for 5-6 hours and then screw lids on tight.
  • To thaw, place jar in refrigerator overnight the day before needing it. Warm in a pot before using, but don’t forget to add the lemon.